Monday, March 3, 2014

Hinamatsuri! ひなまつり!

Today is a happy day for us because it is Hinamatsuri! Hinamatsuri is Girl's day in Japan. Girl's day is a time to celebrate little girls and pray for their growth and happiness. People put up beautiful doll displays and girls get to eat candy! Person set up a little Hinamatsuri doll display just for us. We were so excited about this that it was hard to hold still for our picture. We think we are very important.  After our picture, person gave us a pretty box to open. We weren't sure what it was but since it looked like a present, we were pleased. It was a little hard to open. 

What could be in this box?

Can you tell what it is Elsie?

I think it is something good to eat!

Yay! It is the special candy. Person is being very nice today!

Girls are only supposed to look at the pretty doll display and not touch. This is the one problem with Hinamatsuri. Little girls don't want to only look at dolls. That is a boring person type thing! 

We are trying very hard not to touch anything. 

George was not happy about Hinamatsuri. He wanted to play with the dolls and eat the candy! I think he felt left out because today is all about girls. 

No George, that isn't for you. You're are ruining our nice picture!

No, no! That is naughty George! You aren't the emperor!

We told George to stop playing with our things! He needs to wait his turn until boy's day in May. Since George was so naughty, we decided that it would be OK, if we played with the display too. This was very fun! Way better than sitting quietly and looking. 

I don't think that is a hat Elise!

We think these dolls are very fun!

Elsie is making friends with the Empress. 

When person found out that we were playing with the display, we were in trouble. We calmly explained to her that it was really George's fault because he started it. She failed to see the sound logic of our argument and we didn't get to play anymore. Clearly, person needs some training in basic logic. We will set up a class for her. I am a good teacher so hopefully next year she will be more reasonable. I think we will charge her tuition in the form of chocolate. Chocolate is better for us than money because no one needs to take us to the store. We don't know how to drive yet. Other than getting in to trouble, we had a very good time and think Hinamatsuri is an excellent day!


  1. Glad you had fun playing with the dolls. Much more fun than staring at them!

    1. It was fun! Thank you for reading my blog. I am excited to have a new friend!

  2. A smile comes to my face with each adventure I read thank you
