Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Bad News!

We have some bad news. Person was very sick and went off to a scary place called the hospital. The worst part about this is that she did not take us with her! We were very lonely while Person was gone. I was brave but Elsie cried a lot and I had to comfort her. After what seemed like forever, Person finally came home. We were so glad to see her but since she had surgery, she could not play with us and had to rest. We don't know what surgery is but we can't believe she had it without us. It's not fair! Person also has a nice pink mark from the surgery. We really like pink so we want one too! I may give Elsie a matching mark with a pink pen when Person is not looking! 

Don't eat those chocolate chips Elsie! They are not for you!

Person needed to be taken care of after her operation so I organized a snack committee. I was in charge of lollipop disbursement and Elsie was in charge of chocolate chip disbursement.

We are working very hard on this project.

We also have been coloring lots of pictures to cheer Person up. Not being able to play or hop is very sad so we have to keep Person occupied. The good news is that thanks to our excellent nursing, Person is starting to feel better. She is better enough to help us write this update using the important computer. This makes us very happy even though she naps a lot more than we think is strictly necessary. We hope Person is all better soon so that we can go on a fun adventure together.  We love you Person!